Latest Past Events

NYS Virtual MFG Day with Fuzehub

2021 NY Statewide Virtual Manufacturing Day is an on-line event that will celebrate manufacturers from across New York State and highlight the pathways students can take toward manufacturing careers. By recognizing NYS manufacturers and building awareness of available educational and training opportunities, 2021 NY Statewide Virtual Manufacturing Day will benefit

Erik Bunaes presents E-Business for Small and Large Businesses

Do you communicate regularly with your customers? You should. Here's some easy tools to use for staying in touch with your clients.   About this event   What are the best tools to get more out of our online marketing? This is a question that we hear on a regular

Hatched: An Inventors and Entrepreneurs Meetup

Tech Valley Center of Gravity 30 3rd Street, Troy

Have a Product or Project Idea? Hatch it at the Center of Gravity. Join us the first Thursday of each month to connect with other creative souls, product developers, inventors, patent attorneys and more who are interested in entrepreneurship, intellectual property, and bringing ideas to life. Our goal is to

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