Special Series: Careers in Clean Energy Innovation

Three Manufacturing USA® institutes — IACMI, RAPID and REMADE — are proud to join forces and host a special series of webinars on Careers in Clean Energy Innovation. In recognition of Women’s History Month, our series will kick off on Wednesday, March 24, with a panel presentation featuring three dynamic

Apply to Pitch at Invest NY: Industry 4.0

Are you running a startup in the advanced manufacturing, IoT, hardware/software or big data industry and considering raising capital? Join NYSTAR and Upstate Capital for Invest NY: Industry 4.0 on March 25, 2021 online. The event features a Startup Showcase with up to 20 companies, who each will give a

Legislative Webinar with Assemblyman Stirpe

Program Overview: Join us on Friday, March 26 at 9 AM for a legislative webinar with Assemblyman Al Stirpe. Assemblyman Stirpe serves the 127th Assembly District, which makes up a large portion of Onondaga County. He is Chair of the Committee on Small Business and a member of several other

CCMR Facilities 101: Free Virtual Workshop

With Covid-19 restrictions still in place, the Center for Materials Research (CCMR) is taking our Facilities 101 workshop virtual this year. Since the event is virtual and FREE, we are encouraging all managers, engineers, and research scientists from startups in incubators around the state who might need access to the

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