FuzeHub, the statewide New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NYMEP) center, is hosting this half-day event and working closely with event partners at the Advanced Institute for Manufacturing (AIM), Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC), and the Manufacturing and Technology Resource Consortium (MTRC). In addition to AIM and MTRC, participating MEP Centers from across New York State include:
- Alliance for Manufacturing and Technology (AM&T)
- Center for Economic Growth (CEG)
- Industrial Technology Assistance Corporation (ITAC)
- Manufacturing and Technology Enterprise Center (MTEC)
- Train, Development, Optimize (TDO)
By recognizing NYS manufacturers and building awareness of available educational and training opportunities, NYS Manufacturing Day 2020 will benefit companies, community leaders, educators, high school and college students as well as economic development and manufacturing associations from across New York State. Don’t miss this opportunity to share what’s great about working for your company, or to prepare yourself or your students for a career in manufacturing!