On Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020 the BizLab–Clarkson Lunchtime Entrepreneurship Series kicks off the new year with Matt Scarchilli, owner and CEO of Sandler Training of the Greater Capital Region of New York.
Scarchilli co-founded SportsSignup, a SaaS company revolving around youth sports, with former MapInfo founder John Haller in 2003. He was a managing partner and VP of sales when SportsSignup was acquired by Time Inc. in 2015. The next year, Scarchilli purchased the Sandler Training Systems of the Greater Capital Region franchise.
But note, this is NOT a Sandler presentation!
Tickets to hear Scarchilli speak are $10. Attendees will have time to network, eat a great lunch and hear an amazing speaker and be out the door in an hour!
We are honored to announce Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region is one of our Meal Sponsors for this event. Big Brothers Big Sisters is “creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power of youth.”
If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact BizLab Managing Director Rick D’Errico at rderrico@transfinder.com.
We are also looking for a Video Sponsor for this event. A big thank you to Channel Albany for signing on as our videographer.
Free parking is available in back of the BizLab, on either side of Liberty Street, and metered parking in front on State Street. Enter via the doors to the right. Please do not park in spaces marked for customers.