The Center For Economic Growth (CEG) is here to help you navigate the myriad of business incentives which can be overwhelming and often times confusing. CEG works with its investors and partner organizations listed below to help connect and curate the best funding opportunities to meet your business needs. Contact Us.
National Grid’s Manufacturing Productivity Program (MPP)- Provides matching funds for efforts aimed at productivity improvements and growth. Eligible lean manufacturing or manufacturing assistance projects that result in eliminating waste and increasing productivity on the shop floor or in the office environment can receive a 40% reimbursement of the costs up to $15,000. Eligible activities targeting growth that result in greater utilization of plant capacity including sales, marketing, and Innovation Engineering can receive 50% reimbursement of costs up to $15,000. Activities that combine both productivity improvements and growth can receive 60% reimbursement of project costs up to $40,000.
NYSEG Manufacturing Accelerator Program (MAP)- NYSEG and RG&E will provide matching grants up to the lesser of $15,000 or 40% of the costs incurred by eligible applicants whose top management commits the time and resources to productivity improvement projects such as Lean manufacturing, Lean office procedures, waste reduction, ISO quality programs and other projects that lower costs, improve quality and reduce lead times. In addition, the MAP will provide matching grants up to the lesser of $15,000 or 50% to fund growth-targeted activities such as new product development, export initiatives, sales and marketing system improvements, and other projects designed to increase revenue. Applicants who choose to commit time and resources to both productivity and growth initiatives will be eligible for grants of up to $40,000 or 60% (whichever is less) of the costs incurred to implement such transformative programs.
Global NY STEP Grant– Administration (SBA) seeks to increase the number of small businesses that begin to export; increase the value of exports for small businesses that currently export; and increase the number of small businesses exploring significant new trade opportunities. Funding applications are open on on-going basis to reimburse costs for various exporting efforts such as, attending trade missions, trade show exhibition costs, website updates for foreign language, marketing, compliance testing, among other expenses.
Trade Adjustment Assistance Center TAAF Program Grants– Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAAF) is a federal program that provides financial assistance to U.S. manufacturing and service companies that have been negatively affected by import competition. For qualifying companies, support continues through expert guidance and allocation of cost-share funding. TAACs help their clients design and pay for business enhancing projects which are implemented by consultants or industry experts. Types of assistance include market research and analysis, business plan development, management training and coaching, engineering process improvement, and new product development.
Workforce Development Institute (WDI)- Through a unique grants program, WDI makes investments that lead to workforce development and economic growth. What’s funded Pre-employment training, incumbent worker training, business processes (LEAN training, Export training, purchase of/training on equipment, purchase of/training on software.)
Fuzehub Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund– The Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund supports a set of activities designed to spur technology development and commercialization across New York State, including Manufacturing Grants, a commercialization competition, and other activities to accelerate small to medium size manufacturing and technology companies.
Innovate 518 “Shovel-Ready” Funding: Pre-Seed Funding For Technology Companies – Innovate 518 “Shovel Ready” Funding can award up to $50,000 per company to support short-term commercially focused projects and/or beta-prototype creations. The primary goal of the funding is to make it easier for private investors to support new ventures in the Capital Region and provide early-stage companies with necessary funding to grow their business in the Capital Region of New York State. Applicants must submit an application form, a letter of intent, and a recommendation letter from the Innovate 518 Affiliate Partner incubator program. Applicants must be a member of an Innovate 518 incubator program at the time of the application.