New Certification Introduces Basic Manufacturing Concepts for Entry-Level Job Candidates

The new Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) from SME — a nationally recognized certifying body in manufacturing — quickly prepares individuals for high-demand, entry-level manufacturing jobs.
In SME’s latest blog, learn how educators and workforce organizations are using the CMfgA to prepare new workers and help local manufacturers:
- McHenry County Workforce Network in McHenry County, Illinois is using the CMfgA to build a pipeline of qualified candidates.
- The Charles A. Jones Career and Education Center is using the CMfgA to meet the needs of local manufacturers in the Sacramento, California area.
- HTDC INNOVATE Hawaii is using the CMfgA to offer a new job option to students.

The CMfgA is designed for individuals new to manufacturing who may not currently possess enough knowledge or experience for more advanced technical certifications. This includes high school students, dislocated workers, veterans, and individuals coming from other non-manufacturing sectors.
Through the Center for Economic Growth, this program is available as an online program from Tooling U-SME which includes 25 online classes covering topics manufacturing experts identified as relevant for entry-level positions and can be completed in less than a few weeks in preparation for the certification exam. Download the course outline by visiting our website here>> and click on Certified Manufacturing Associate.
Also, in partnership with Hudson Valley Community College, we launched the Manufacturing Technology Bootcamp*. An intensive training program to quickly skill-up individuals who are new to or seeking a career in manufacturing. The program consists of an hands-on 80-hour boot-camp that covers a wide array of manufacturing topics. The bootcamp is offered over the course of 2 weeks, and participants are introduced to over a dozen manufacturing employers looking to hire entry-level positions. Visit our website for more information here>>
Finally, in partnership with SUNY Schenectady, we launched the Certified Production Technician (CPT) program* targeted to skilling up incumbent manufacturing employees. The purpose of the CPT program is to recognize, through certification, individuals who demonstrate mastery of the core competencies of manufacturing production at the front-line (entry-level through front-line supervisor) through successful completion of certification assessments. The CPT program raises the level of performance of production workers to both assist individuals in finding higher-wage jobs and help employers ensure their workforce increases the company’s productivity and competitiveness. Visit our website for more information here>>
*Note the Manufacturing Technology Bootcamp and CPT Program include classroom/shot/lab training and are pending reopening of in person classes at HVCC and SUNY Schenectady.
For more information on these program or to enroll, Contact CEG at