August 15 2019
General, Regional/County Profiles

3 Capital Region Counties Among NY’s Top 10 for Growing Young Adults

The Capital Region is one of only three state economic development regions that has maintained its ranks of young adults grow over the last five years – and New York City is not one of them. In fact, out of New York’s 62 counties, only 17 grew their young adult

June 10 2019
General, Regional/County Profiles

2 Capital Region Cities among NY’s Top 10 Fastest-Growing

Two Capital Region cities were among New York’s top 10 for fastest-growing cities in 2018. With a 223 year-over-year population gain (0.3 percent), Schenectady was the state’s sixth fastest-growing city, and Saratoga Springs’ 68-person annual gain (0.2 percent) made it the 10th, according to a Center for Economic Growth (CEG)

May 10 2019
Population Health Technology, Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region is NY’s 2nd Fastest-Growing Region

The Capital Region again was state’s second-fastest growing region in 2018. The eight-county region last year had a population of 1,084,941, up 248 from the previous year. The only region with stronger year-over-year growth was the Mid-Hudson Region at 0.1 percent, according to a Center for Economic Growth analysis of

March 14 2019
Economic Analysis, General, Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region Opportunity Zone Highlights

Even before New York State designated 20 Capital Census Tracts as Opportunity Zones in 2018, half of them had growing populations and four in five had increasing ranks of employed residents. The federal Opportunity Zones community development program is now promising to build on that momentum and is already attracting

October 11 2018
Economic Analysis, Manufacturing, Regional/County Profiles

Growth in the Capital Region’s Mining Industry

The Capital Region’s mining industry has become the area’s fastest-growing sector and the largest of its kind in the state in terms of jobs. Mining Jobs Averaging 959 employees in 2017, the eight-county region’s mining sector has grown by 40.6 percent over the past five years. During that time, employment

August 8 2018
Economic Analysis, Employment/Workforce, Manufacturing, Regional/County Profiles

The Capital Region’s 2017 Economic Performance

The Capital Region’s annual job growth was on par with its 10 peer economic regions in 2017. Although the peer regions had lower unemployment rates than the Capital Region, they are also dealing with more austere labor force shortages and greater wage inflation, according to a Center for Economic Growth

May 16 2018
General, Regional/County Profiles

How Should the Capital Region Be Defined?

What is the Capital Region? The answer largely depends on who is asking and why. Are its boundaries being drawn to serve the purpose of a commercial market, community planning, tourism, standardized statistical reporting or economic development? With so many regional definitions circulating, it is easy to confuse them and

April 17 2018
Economic Analysis, Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region Population Growth Regains Momentum

The Capital Region was New York’s second fastest-growing region in 2017, with its population increasing over the year by 2,795, or 0.3 percent. This represented a return to more robust growth following three years of marginal gains. Over the past five years, the region’s population has grown by 0.4 percent,

September 8 2017
General, Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region’s Minority Population Grows, Fastest in Saratoga and Warren Counties

The Capital Region’s minority population has grown by 11.5 percent over the past five years and it is increasing most rapidly in Saratoga and Warren counties. Minorities already represent a quarter of the population of one county in the region and a second is on track to cross that mark

July 14 2017
General, Regional/County Profiles

Where’s NY’s Fastest Growing City, Town and Village? Hint: In the Capital Region

The Capital Region pulled off a population hat trick in 2016, housing the state’s fastest-growing city, town and village on a year-over-year basis: Cohoes, Malta and Waterford, respectively, according to a Center for Economic Growth analysis of U.S. Census Bureau estimates. For a second consecutive year, Cohoes has ranked as

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