December 14 2020
General, Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region Businesses Awarded $1.6 B in PPP Loans

Nearly 250 lenders approved $1.6 billion in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans for Capital Region businesses, with the construction, healthcare and social assistance, and professional and technical services sectors receiving the most in relief funds. KeyBank emerged as the eight-county region’s leading PPP lender, with its total loan amount and

July 16 2020
General, Regional/County Profiles

Saratoga County Is One of NY’s Most Resilient Communities to Disasters

Saratoga County is one of the state’s most resilient counties to weather-related disasters and disease outbreaks, based on its sizeable individual and household groups within the community that have the capacity and resources to overcome such hazardous events, according to a Center for Economic Growth analysis of new U.S. Census

July 16 2020
Advanced Materials, Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, Clean Technology, Creative/Agriculture/Food, Economic Analysis, Employment/Workforce, General, Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Regional/County Profiles, Software/Gaming/IT, Tourism, Trade/Transportation

Industry Assets & Economic Profiles

See CEG’s latest industry attraction promotional reports on key industry clusters and regional/county profiles. Between 2015 and 2019, CEG promoted the Capital Region at 78 industry attraction events in 41 cities worldwide. While the coronavirus pandemic has temporarily halted CEG’s travel to conferences, we continue to represent the region at

June 17 2020
General, Regional/County Profiles

Saratoga and Cohoes among NY’s Top 10 Fastest-Growing Cities

Saratoga Springs and Cohoes were among New York’s top 10 fastest-growing cites in 2019. The region also had two top 10 fastest-growing towns and the state’s fastest-growing village, according to a Center for Economic Growth (CEG) of U.S. Census Bureau estimates.   Cities In 2019, Saratoga Springs was the state’s

April 14 2020
Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region Has NY’s 2nd Fastest-Growing City

The Capital Region had New York’s second fastest-growing county over the year, and the 10-year growth of its largest metropolitan area has earned it the title of “The City Americans Are Flocking to in New York.” New U.S. Census Bureau estimates show Schenectady County’s population totaled 155,299 in 2019, up

January 13 2020
General, Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region’s Private Sector Gross Regional Product Grows

The gross regional product (GRP) of the Capital Region’s private sector increased over the last five years by 6.1 percent, boosted by robust growth in the real estate, information, health care and manufacturing sectors, according to a Center for Economic Growth analysis.1 Regional Performance GRP is defined as “the market

October 17 2019
Employment/Workforce, Population Health Technology, Regional/County Profiles

Which States and Counties Are Sending the Most People to the Capital Region?

Tech and Navy hubs are major contributors to region’s population A county containing a large U.S. Navy base in South Carolina and two more counties with major tech hubs in Arizona and Massachusetts are sending more population “flows,” or movers, to the Capital Region than any other outside of New

August 15 2019
General, Regional/County Profiles

3 Capital Region Counties Among NY’s Top 10 for Growing Young Adults

The Capital Region is one of only three state economic development regions that has maintained its ranks of young adults grow over the last five years – and New York City is not one of them. In fact, out of New York’s 62 counties, only 17 grew their young adult

June 10 2019
General, Regional/County Profiles

2 Capital Region Cities among NY’s Top 10 Fastest-Growing

Two Capital Region cities were among New York’s top 10 for fastest-growing cities in 2018. With a 223 year-over-year population gain (0.3 percent), Schenectady was the state’s sixth fastest-growing city, and Saratoga Springs’ 68-person annual gain (0.2 percent) made it the 10th, according to a Center for Economic Growth (CEG)

May 10 2019
Population Health Technology, Regional/County Profiles

Capital Region is NY’s 2nd Fastest-Growing Region

The Capital Region again was state’s second-fastest growing region in 2018. The eight-county region last year had a population of 1,084,941, up 248 from the previous year. The only region with stronger year-over-year growth was the Mid-Hudson Region at 0.1 percent, according to a Center for Economic Growth analysis of

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