February 13 2018
Employment/Workforce, Manufacturing, Software/Gaming/IT

Capital Region’s Creative Industries Are Impacting the Economy

Download Flyer As the Capital Region looks to expand its creative economy, the Center for Economic Growth (CEG) is working in many of its hottest industries to maximize their economic contributions throughout the eight counties. CEG this winter is partnering with the Upstate Alliance for the Creative Economy (ACE) to

December 6 2017
Education/Training, Employment/Workforce, Manufacturing

Career Change Opportunities Abound with Capital Region Manufacturers

New HVCC program opens pathways to manufacturing careers Manufacturing is increasingly appearing as an attractive option for Capital Region residents interested in changing careers, particularly those in the retail trade sector. Not only is the region’s manufacturing sector outperforming the nation and state in terms of employment growth, its entry-level

November 16 2017
Creative/Agriculture/Food, Manufacturing, Tourism

Capital Region’s Craft Beverage Industry Is Brewing

8 Counties House 90+ Breweries, Distilleries, Cideries and Wineries Five years after New York State launched an initiative to expand its ranks of craft beverage producers through the introduction of a license for farm breweries and later for farm cideries, that industry is thriving in the Capital Region. In fact,

October 13 2017
Employment/Workforce, Manufacturing

Improving Management Practices for Capital Region Manufacturers

CEG and Fuzehub to launch webinar on “Making Management Work” New York’s manufacturing sector is lagging behind a majority of states when it comes to utilizing management systems, which take lean business practices to the next level by ensuring maximum value and creation and thorough alignment with organizational strategic objectives.

October 13 2017

Success Story: Unilux Advanced Manufacturing Recaptures Market Share and Realizes More Than $1.2 Million in Impacts with CEG BGS

For over 38 years Unilux Advanced Manufacturing has been making watertube and firetube boilers used by energy service companies and various facilities, including commercial and industrial buildings, high-rise residential towers, hospitals, military installations and schools. Unilux’s “bread-and-butter boiler is the Unilux “W” Series water boilers. Like all of its boilers,

October 6 2017

Capital Region Manufacturing Evolves: Continued Growth of Chemical-Based Manufacturing

As the Capital Region celebrates Manufacturing Month this October, it will do so at a time when that sector is larger and economically more impactful than it has been in years. Illustrative of the dynamic changes the sector has undergone over the past 10 years, chemical manufacturing in 2016 unseated

September 8 2017
General, Manufacturing, Trade/Transportation

Global Trade Opportunities in the Capital Region

Despite a strong U.S. dollar (USD) and weaker global demand, Capital Region exports held steady in 2016, according to a Center for Economic Growth (CEG) analysis of new Brookings Institution estimates. Exports throughout the eight counties last year totaled $5.978 billion, up 7.3 percent from five years earlier. Impacting that

August 29 2017
Clean Technology, Manufacturing

Solar Energy is Saving Over 4,567 New York Businesses Money Every Day

As of January 2017, over 4,567 New York businesses have installed solar energy. They have all taken non-value added space and transformed it into real-estate that is lowering energy costs. Business leaders are choosing solar to cut costs, help their bottom line and plan for the future.  The sharp decline

August 25 2017
Clean Technology, Manufacturing, News

Why this manufacturer is installing solar panels to reduce costs

Albany Business Review By: Chelsea Diana Scott Stevens, president of Dimension Fabricators, spent $1.92 million to install about 100,000 square feet of solar panels across the roof of his factory in Glenville, New York. The price tag will go down to about $1.45 million with federal tax credits for solar,

July 14 2017
Economic Analysis, Manufacturing

Capital Region Leads NY in Growing Small Manufacturers

Rensselaer and Greene Counties make biggest gains of small manufacturers   Although large manufacturers with hundreds of employees have captured much of the spotlight in recent years, they represent only a sliver of the Capital Region’s manufacturing establishments. In fact, almost nine out of 10 (86.7 percent) manufacturing establishments throughout

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