March 13 2023
Employment/Workforce, Manufacturing

Capital Region MFG Employment Highest Since 2001

CEG Tours German MFGs for Apprenticeship Best Practices Morcon Tissue, Eagle Bridge   Employment in Capital Region’s manufacturing sector last summer grew to its highest level in more than two decades – driven by manufacturers such as Plug Power, BelGioioso Cheese, Morcon Tissue and Medline Industries, according to a Center

March 13 2023
Employment/Workforce, Manufacturing

Manufacturing Drives Saratoga County to 15th Fastest Average Wage Growth Last Summer

Boosted by its manufacturing sector, Saratoga  County last summer had the nation’s 15th fastest growing weekly average wage among the 356 largest U.S. counties, according to new a Center of Economic Growth (CEG) analysis of new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. During the third quarter of 2022,

February 13 2023

Unemployment in Capital Region Falls to Lowest Level in 30+ Years

Capital Region unemployment last year fell to its lowest level in more than three decades, according to a Center for Economic Growth analysis of New York State Department of Labor data. Preliminary data shows the eight-county region’s 2022 unemployment rate was 2.9 percent. Before last year, the lowest the region’s

November 16 2022

Capital Region Health Insurance Market Rebounds from COVID, Reaches Record Employment

The Capital Region’s health insurance industry last year realized its second largest annual gain in jobs in more than two decades and grew to record employment. Even more, the area’s health insurance industry now stands as the 11th largest in the country by employment and the third most concentrated, according

November 16 2022
Employment/Workforce, Trade/Transportation

Capital Region Warehousing and Storage Industry Grows to 9th Largest in Northeast

Since the start of the pandemic, employment in the Capital Region’s warehousing and storage has increased by 75 percent and has grown to the ninth largest industry in the Northeast, according to a Center for Economic Growth (CEG) analysis of data from the New York State Department of Labor and

August 22 2022
Employment/Workforce, News

Capital Region’s Gig Economy Grows, Ranks 2nd in NY for Nonemployer Growth

Prior to the pandemic, the Capital Region’s gig economy was expanding. In fact, Greene, Schenectady and Columbia counties were among New York’s fastest-growing counties for nonemployer establishments, according to a Center for Economic Growth (CEG) analysis of new U.S. Census Bureau data. In 2019, the eight-county Capital Region had 75,148

June 13 2022
Employment/Workforce, News

Capital Region Regained 8,000 Jobs in 2021

The Capital Region regained more than 8,000 jobs in 2021 but four times that amount is still needed to return the eight counties to their pre-pandemic employment level. And although restaurants and bars were the biggest gainers of jobs in 2021, they also continued to sustain the heaviest losses since

June 10 2022
Employment/Workforce, General

High School-Aged Workers Make Big Summer Comeback Amid Tight Labor Market

  High school students participate in Capital Region BOCES’s culinary program (left) and global fashion program with a retail window display project at the Colonie Center.   Amid a tight labor force and abundance of summer job openings, high school-aged workers are leading the area in not only returning to

June 7 2022
Employment/Workforce, General, News

Intern Managers! Connect Your Summer Interns with the Capital Region!

The Center for Economic Growth & CapNY have planned a series of summer events aimed at connecting your interns with the communities of the Capital Region. All programs are offered free of charge, though we do request that interns register ahead of time. The first event is the Summer in

May 12 2022
Employment/Workforce, General

Capital Region Retirements Add to Labor Force Challenges

Apprenticeships Emerge as Key Tool for Replacing Retiring Skilled Workers   Capital Region NYSLRS retirements up 10.7% in 2021 Capital Region NYSTRS retirements up 18.5% in 2020 Capital Region households with retirement income surged – but before COVID CEG serving as apprenticeship program group sponsor for 10 trades   ALBANY,

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