September 16 2019
Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing

Capital Region Manufacturing Evolution

Area’s Drug Manufacturing Industry Becomes One of the Nation’s Largest The Capital Region’s pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing industry is rapidly becoming the one of the nation’s largest. In the past five years, the five-county Albany-Schenectady-Troy metropolitan statistical area’s national ranking for jobs in this industry has climbed to 13th from

January 18 2019
Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, News, Research & Development

Capital Region saw jump in NIH funding

Times Union By: Diego Mendoza-Moyers The Capital Region saw a significant jump in funding for biotech research last year from the  National Institutes of Health — an increase that has allowed several local research projects to flourish into 2019, according to the Albany-based Center for Economic Growth, a regional economic development

January 16 2019
Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, Research & Development

Capital Region Federal Health Awards up 13.5% to $62 Million

The Capital Region’s biotech sector saw a 13.5 percent year-over-year increase in National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards in fiscal 2018. Between 20 firms and institutions, the region received 154 awards totaling $62 million. That was the eight-county region’s largest amount of NIH since fiscal 2013, according to a Center

November 29 2018
Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, News, Research & Development

The Research Connection – December 2018: Biotechnology Edition

Featured R&D projects: Portable biosensing strips for detecting food contamination Developing a blood test for autism spectrum disorder Virtual retina will aid search for blindness cure Using Light to Help Alzheimer’s Patients Detecting early stage Alzheimer’s disease Detection of chemical and biological toxins Futuristic device enables faster and more reliable

February 14 2018
Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing

Capital Region Researchers Drive Drug Discovery for Dozens of U.S. Biotech Firms

As Regeneron Pharmaceuticals helps reshape the Capital Region’s manufacturing landscape, we are also seeing local scientists making their mark in the drug discovery industry. Over the past three years, Capital Region inventors have aided nearly 70 companies and institutions obtain more than 150 patents for drugs, biological compositions and other

January 10 2018
Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, Research & Development

Capital Region Federal Life Sciences Grants Reach 4-Year High

Wadsworth Center scores most funding since FY2012 As New York State launched a $650 million initiative to grow its life sciences cluster, Capital Region academic institutions, nonprofits and private firms in fiscal 2017 netted their largest haul of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funds in four years. Regionwide, NIH awarded

March 6 2017
Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals

Capital Region Doctors’ Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records Bodes Well for Population Health Technology Cluster

The Capital Region’s primary care providers who received federal assistance to adopt electronic health records (EHRs) are among the state’s strongest users of the technology, according to a Center for Economic Growth (CEG) analysis of data from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC Health IT).

Funding Partners